Saturday, 9 August 2014

Saturday 9th August

Well the Stargazer Lilies are now drawing to the end and I have been trimming back, they have been glorious, I think they are due to be repotted, I am sure its 3 years since I did them last.
Thank goodness we didn't get all that heavy rain that was forecast as my Dinner Plate Dahlias are now in full display and huge, heavy rain would decimate them.
We are beginning to trim back the Pyracantha that is now bush shaped by the greenhouse, like so many things has grown hugely, I pruned the front of it a while ago and berries are beginning to set already.
The grass at the back still looks good, could almost call it a lawn.
I have made a space near the Pyracantha to transplant that new Rhubarb, Timperley early, it is still going strong and deserves a place in the garden, keeping it watered is a twice daily job or it flops, it has really done well and so tasty.
Have made the first of the Apple Jelly from windfalls, will make more after  we harvest the main crop.
Also made some Chutney for Jack as the Sungold Tomatoes have also gone mad, first time I have ever made Chutney, looks good, the recipe says to leave 2 weeks before eating!!.
Must admit I planted 2 extra Tomato, never again, as delicious as they are there are only so many you can eat, any one who visits goes home with Tomato and Apples.
Next month is the time to start the Apple harvest and the freezing begins, have already frozen some Rhubarb.
Can't wait for the Peppers Sweet and Chilli,  to ripen, will do as I read and cut into pieces lay them flat and freeze for an hour then scoop up into bags, they will then stay separate like frozen Peas I believe!!!! Watch this space.
I am sure everyone is like me and delighted at the display in their gardens this year and not a single cry about water shortage, wow.
Will take more Fuschia cuttings  next week, like everything else they have been great, though that week when it was humid and 29 degrees I feared for them as they are in full sun until 3pm.
The Australian Restio that I bought at the Southport Flower Show, one plant was for me pricey £10, but it was money well spent, this is what I read about it so i got it right:-
Restio’s do best in open sunny positions with good air movement – they like the wind! Free draining soils with a PH of 7.5 and below are preferable – thats neutral to acid. Thats us in Southport,
(Being mostly from mediterranean climates they are well adapted to summer drought however, during long dry periods the plants will be greener and more lush with an occasional watering. Restio’s look very different as young plants having a juvenile growth form of fluffy green, fairly lax stems. In the third year they start to send up more mature culms turning into their elegant adult selves) Must find out how to propagate.

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