Saturday, 30 August 2014

Saturday 30th August

Well Autumn is certainly on its way, today I have started cutting back the Sungold Tomatoes in the greenhouse, very sad but mustn't complain we have had a massive crop.
My niece Julie over from Nairobi really loves the Sungold and has had a field day eating them like sweets. Last year she bought seeds to take home,  but she says they do not taste the same, must be something to do with the different soil.

Just tied up the hot Chilli's in the greenhouse, look like Christmas decorations. This is the first time I have grown so hope they do last for use in the Autumn and winter. The sweet peppers are slow to ripen or is it me that expects to much to soon.

The rest of the garden is now showing signs of the end of summer, all the baskets are still in flower but not now as profusely.
The Pyrocantha  both red and yellow are in full berry, wonder how long before the birds devour them.
The Dahlias that survived those winds are looking okay, as ever the second flush are not quite as large, perhaps this is a good thing, they should withstand the winds that we are bound to get, though next week is supposed to be hotter.
Weather wise we have had a great summer, second in a row, wow, even with that windy week.

One of the great things about gardening you can swop and change things at will, just as nature does, it always amazes me the things that pop up that I haven't planted.

One thing that hasn't done as well is the Alstroemeria in the front garden, wonder if it was just to hot for them. I shall split them next month and hope it reinvigorates them. The other thing that hasn't done as well - the Hostas, sadly the slugs had a good feast, even slug pellets didn't seem to do the trick, must rethink the pots for next year.
The hard work now starts, sorting the Bramley Apples for  for freezing, jelly making and wrapping to store, starting tomorrow our great granddaughter  Jaymie is going to help me, quite a job there are so many.

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