Don't seem to have had much time for the computer since my husband came out of hospital, as things settle down and we get into a routine I shall hopefully have some time for me.
The garden is a constant joy,the Apple trees look really good, the John Downey Crab Apple seems to have thickened and is full of blossom so hoping for lots of fruit to make the Crab Apple jelly, a family favourite, the Bramley never lets me down.
The Rhododendron really likes its new place on the Patio at the back, it really is beautiful.
I have planted up all my baskets and a long planter and basket for Jackie (the eldest) with the help of our great grand daughter Jaymie.
I seem to have plenty of spare plants so am going to change my usual planting scheme for pots, simply can't waste plants. I seem to have Petunia and Geraniums and Cosmos coming out of my ears
The Tomato and Peppers in the greenhouse are all looking very good. Looking forward to a bumper crop. I shall try the tip I read about slicing Peppers and laying on paper on a tray and freezing for a hour they say that then you can scoop into a bag and they stay separate ( like frozen sliced Beans.) Can but try as I use rather a lot of them, it worked with the Chives.
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