Sunday, 11 May 2014

Sunday 11th May

Well thats the worst job over, the washing of all the plant pots and seed trays.
Why do I always choose a windy day to do this, as they are draining they blow all over the place, still it done now.
I have completed planting out all but one tray of Geraniums, must find a home for these, lord knows where.
 I took a cutting of a yellow flowered shrub, whilst passing, its growing well,  thought it was Forsythia but realise its not, after Googling think it might be a Kerria Japonica Pleniflora.
I have decided to have a curved path going up the garden towards the greenhouse, this is to make it easier to push Jack now he is in a wheelchair. Sadly the door isn't wide enough for him to go in to side shoot the tomatoes, this was always one of his jobs.
Everywhere is looking good now all the planters and baskets are racing along, hope the weather lives up to the forecast and it is going to be warm next week, will be able to sit Jack on the patio, they are coming to put in a ramp from the Patio doors onto the Patio next week (I hope).
Have put the Hyacinths and Tulips into permanent pots, will keep at the end of the garden until next winter.
The greenhouse is now full, I have planted on the Tomatoes and Sweet Peppers plus the Chilly Peppers.
I really should have bought a larger freezer. May have to buy a smaller one just for fruit and veg.

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