Tuesday 3 December 2019

3rd December

Like everyone else we have have serious frosts, I'm ashamed to say I had not prepared my pots for winter, believing the mild weather would continue, 2 days ago I went out to get started I found the compost frozen solid, looks like I may have lost all my Begonias, fortunately my son Scott Had lifted my baskets into the Greenhouse which is bubble wrapped, so all the Fuschias are fine.
This is the very first winter that I have not been prepared good and early , must be getting lazy.
The Tomatoes have only just finished, they have had a terrific season as have the Chillies, wont grow as may Chillies next year as I am  knee deep in them. Courgettes also.
The Clematis we planted this year are going well against the garage wall, hopefully next season they will  cover it. 
Sadly  the Rhubarb, for some reason died last year so will need to get more in the Spring 
 I bought some Strawberry plants last summer, these will not be repeated as they were not sweet, must look up more carefully when I replace. 
The Bougainvillea gift fom Scott must be in just the right spot as it is doing very well.

Thursday 19 September 2019

19 sept

Well the good weather is keeping going, must admit the garden is still looking good.
Have given the pots their last feed as they are still going well, I hate the time when they all finish.
Looks like next week will be time for cleaning the greenhouse ready for the winter, always makes me feel sad when we get to this stage.
The Peppers both sweet and Chilli have exceeded themselves, have lots
in the freezer , will give away the rest. Amazing how over the years I use them more and more in cooking

Sunday 25 August 2019

25 August

Well the Tomato season is now over, all my Sungold have finished so have cut them down and put them for compost.
Scotts Nameless ones are still going though on their last legs.
This has been a strong growing year but now thinking of the Autumn work!!
The John Downey Crab Apple tree has really done well producing more fruit than ever, as I still have some left from last year will not be making any Crab Apple Jelly so have given them to my neighbour who is delighted.
Sadly my Rhubarb died so will have to replace.
Have now introduced some Clamatis to hopefully cover the garage wall, seem to be going strong.

The new Bourganvilla is also looking very good, hope it eventually covers the wall.
Scott has put up a trellis for it to grow along.

The Carnation cuttings are also now ready for planting on, should have quite a show next year.
Must say this has been such a colourful year its given us great pleasure.

Friday 19 July 2019

19th July

The garden is now in full flower, such a pleasure to see all the colour, I am sure that most gardeners, like me, derive great satisfaction when things are looking so good making all the effort worth while.
Keeping my fingers crossed that when the Dinner Plate dahlias open we do not get the awful winds and rain that flatten them most years, even though they are well staked.
The white Arum lilies have been exceptional this year and have really spread, as have the Crocosmia Lucifer good thing I have friends to pass some onto.
The greenhouse is in good order and the tomatoes are ripening quickly with all the sunshine, had to give Jackie a large plants as overcrowded. She managed to get it into her car and home in one piece!!!!
For the first time the  Courgette are fruiting, for some reason I have not had success growing these, this was my last try and thanks to Sue for the watering tip, at last- success wow.
Thought the Rhubarb had died but it has now revived thank godness.
The shrubs have been growing at such a rate that  I shall have to give them all a trim.
The Camellia was done last week after flowering so a good feed is next.
Do wish the man who used to call selling Manure would appear, he seems to have given up. Must set my son on his travels looking for some.

Thursday 20 June 2019

20th June

At last the rain has stopped, well for now.
Everything  is now starting to bloom, just love all the colour.
The John Downey crab Apple  blossom now turning into buds, had decided I didn't need to make Crab Apple Jelly this year, simply cannot waste all this fruit so the family will all be getting plenty of jars for their larders.!!!
The Rhody's are now fading but have been a splendid show, and we seem to have quite a few Bees which is good.

The bowling season has now started, the Men have really brought the Green up to top standard, so well worth the time and effort by the few who do it. The rain has of course helped the grass, not so the bowling.

Saturday 1 June 2019

2nd May

Well summer is well on the way thank goodness, I hate the cold.
After this long dry sunny spell the rain has arrived and everything is really showing for it, especially the weeds!!
The rain as ever once started doesn't know when to stop.
I took a chance and took  cuttings from some rather lovely white,  edged with red Carnations, a gift from Jackie, lady luck was on my side and they are  now growing well.
This year the Pieris have really excelled, I cannot remember the new growth turning red then yellow, this is what has happened this year and they are glorious.
The garden is now all planted out, with a couple of new perennial introductions so here's hoping they all  do well, looking good at present.
The Crab apple as the blossom predicted is going to be a bumper crop.
The Chives have gone mad, so dug some up and given a lot away.
The Chillies and Courgette are promising, don't know what i am going to do with all the Tomatoes that I will get as I have far to many plants, due mainly to Scot drying off some seeds and they have done really well. When they fruit will be the test.

Wednesday 1 May 2019

Wednesday 20 March 2019

20th March

Joy of joys the seedlings in the greenhouse are now popping up.
The garden furniture that Scott has repainted looks like new.
Despite the strong wind and rain the bulbs have survived, thought they would be flattened.
Have decided to move a few plants once the weather is settled, a change being as good as a rest.
Have ordered some Agapanthus Twister hope they grow as good as they are pictured, they are white and blue.
I am amazed how much the Hyacinths have multiplied long may it continue.
The shrubs are now showing new growth will take cuttings shortly.
The Camellia is as ever great, it really responds to being fed with   the Ericaceous feed, we are alkaline here, though must admit the flowers are not quite  as big as they should be.

Well today is the first day of Spring, so looking foreword to the warmer weather, hate the cold.

Saturday 9 March 2019

9th March

9th March
Well at last I am able to access my blog, for some reason for ages I couldn't!!!
At last spring seems to be well on its way, after the dismal winter months to see all the Spring bulbs is a joy.
For some reason the Carnation cuttings that did so well continued to do so and were flowering even at Christmas, I have just trimmed them back and hoping they will be just as good this com
ing summer.
The seeds I have sown in the greenhouse are very slow, especially the Rudbeckia which were excelent last year, I grew some for a friend, lets hope they pick up soon.
The Arum Lilies have gone mad so have had to be reduced by half.
The Hellebores are in full flower, my daughter likes the dark red {almost black) ones best. For me the one I think is called Charity that has ever green leaves is best.
I have had to admit defeat and get a gardener to do the heavy work and this includes the hoeing and weeding, old age and my backproblem being the reason, I can still do the rest.
Have started some tomatoes for my son, he kept the seeds from some he enjoyed, heres hoping they fruit.
Just pruned the Mahonia, it has as ever been excellent.
I am hoping the Begonias i grewlast summer have made tubers, they seem to be firm so keeping my fingers crossed as I had such a great display last year.