Wind I can cope with but rain and strong winds no. Still all safely in the greenhouse for the winter, will cut back and pot on over the next days, after making the Christmas Puddings etc.
The front garden really catches the weather especially the wind not surprising we are only half a mile from the beach, but all seem to be coping. The Mop head and red Hydrangea - don,t know the name, and the Lace cap are still looking good, though these winds will not help, also the common hedgerow Fuschia, this never lets me down, a cutting from a cutting I took in Wales 40 years ago, everyone I know has a cutting now.
Looks like i shall have to cut back the Dahlias the first dry day, poor things are looking rather ragged now, also I shall remove the Cosmos and French Marigolds, can't complain they have had a great run, I have collected seeds from both, roll on spring.