Saturday, 14 November 2015

14 November

Am I glad I decided to take in the Fuschias after seeing the weather forecast.
Wind I can cope with but rain and strong winds no. Still all safely in the greenhouse for the winter, will cut back and pot on over the next days, after making the Christmas Puddings etc.

The front garden really catches the weather especially the wind not surprising  we are only half a mile from the beach, but all seem to be coping. The Mop head and red Hydrangea - don,t know the name, and the Lace cap are still looking good, though these winds will not help, also the common hedgerow Fuschia, this never lets me down, a cutting from a cutting I took in Wales 40 years ago, everyone I know has a cutting now.

Looks like i shall have to cut back the Dahlias the first dry day, poor things are looking rather ragged now, also I shall remove the Cosmos and French Marigolds, can't complain they have had a great run, I have collected seeds from both, roll on spring.

Have decided to grow the strawberries in a trough next year, in the hope of keeping off the slugs and birds, going to net them, the birds had more than me this year.

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Well the job I do not enjoy is done, bubble wrapping the greenhouse, Scott did this saves me climbing ladders so all ready for the Fuschias etc.
The tall triple basket of Dancing Flame are now potted on and indoors, just can,t bring myself to cut back Kit Oxenby and Dawn Star as they are still in full flower.
The yellow berried Pyrocantha by the greenhouse has partially died so that's now gone and a Euonymus  is now in its place, not as interesting but far less dangerous.
All the shrubs have been well trimmed and the debris removed by the gardener, so well on the way now to finish the winter preparation.
The one thing that will give us pleasure for the next weeks my neighbours Pampas grass.

Monday, 19 October 2015

19th October

Just getting back to the garden after a month with this awful Virus.
all the pots and baskets are now clear, thanks to help from Scott.

All the sorry harvest of apples picked, hope we do not have another year like this, I will end up buying baking apples - unheard of, I usually give a lot away.

Next on the list to book P. Crabtree to come and prune hard all the shrubs.
I am not well enough to do this year and as we missed all the good weather must swallow  my pride and pay.

The Dalias and Fuschia are all still in full flower so will leave those baskets until sign of frost.

The Pampas grass over the fence is lovely really has spread, makes a lovely backdrop.

Friday, 18 September 2015

18th September

This is for me the sad time when I start removing the annuals, i.e. first the Begonias, looks so dismal now the pots are empty.
Just started to clear the Sungold  tomato plants from the Greenhouse, getting it ready for the big clean.
The Shirley tomato that a neighbour gave me is still going strong, it was much later fruiting, can't say I am impressed with them, no particular taste unlike the so sweet Sungold, still must give others a try.
Have decided to try collecting my own Tomato seeds as on T.V. worth a try.
I always collect seeds from my other plants but the tomato has a different method so here goes.

The Fuschias are still in full flower and will continue for some time yet, usually until mid October when I remove to the greenhouse avoiding the frost - over winter.
The Hardy hedgerow Fuschia, a cutting taken years ago in Wales I cut down just before the first sign of frost, have take the usual cuttings for friends.

Decided to remove the bed of Hosta from the front, it really did not look as good as I expected. Just do not have the time to keep the slugs at bay.

Monday, 31 August 2015

31st August

September tomorrow, the thought of winter is not a happy state of mind but must start the preparations.
Have just cut back the Stargazers Lilies.
The Marguerites and Crocosmia,  have given their usual great display, must remember I have promised some to a bowling friend now they are ready for splitting.

The Apples are now dropping so must get organised to make the Crab Apple and  Apple Jelly. One thing, thank goodness, I am not short of is jars.

The Snowdrop tree that I bought has until recently not looked good, now making growth.

As I stated the Rhubarb has done very well and am now freezing some, though at present my big worry is space in the freezer with the Apples nearly ready.
Still amazed that this year that they are so much redder, being Bramley they are usually green.
Don't have a great success  storing Apples in trays, the garage being in the Sun is far to warm, the freezer the only answer.

Still not made up my mind about the front raised bed that has mainly Hosta, just do not seem able to control the dratted slugs so will have to go.
Found a new spot for the tall Alstroemeria, will get some more dwarf ones next Spring as I prefer them.

The Fuschias are as ever still going strong, have taken cuttings ready for next year.

Made a mistake not buying the Surfinia Petunias plugs, the Cascading Petunia have not been anywhere near as prolific or colourful, a lesson learnt.

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

28th July

Just cutting back the flowers on the Hosta, they are just past their best, been a great show. in general everything seems to be better this year,  things seem to like the cooler summers even if we don't.
The Apple trees are really filling out well looks like a bumper crop.
Scott on Sunday cut the grass and applied weed and feed, a few minutes later it rained so well timed.
The tall Alstroemeria  are just finishing, have cut back, as they are new to me wonder if they will flower a second time, probably not.
The Holly in the front garden that had a major  chop is also growing well, must keep it shaped and smaller.
This year I have resolved that all the bushes are to be kept lower so that I do not have to climb to trim, and that the hanging baskets are just that bit lower  to avoid same, about time I learnt some sense.
I bought two new bushes earlier on, Snowdrop trees, sadly though growing never flowered.

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

22 July

Well it was  my birthday on the 13th and had some lovely flowers, nothing pleases me more as I am one of those daft people who do not like to spoil the garden by cutting the flowers
A new ( to me) Begonia is one I shall hopefully overwinter and divide for next year. As ever my son Scott never get the labels on plants, or looses them.
Like everyone else the garden is in full flower, well worth the hard work.
The Mahonia that I thought I had killed is now doing nicely, must keep it smaller now as it soon blocks the light from the kitchen if I let it just grow.
The Dancing Flame (Fuschia) is as ever amazing, never fails no matter the weather, so are Kit Oxenby and Dawn Star.
The patio as ever a joy.
I am busy taking cuttings from the Fuschia for next season.
The Rhubarb this year is better than ever, never tire of it .

Monday, 29 June 2015

29th june

Well just in time for the heat wave thats promised the garden is now up to scratch, must admit not being 100 per cent this last 3 weeks I had let things slide.
The Arum Lilies are better this year than ever, maybe like a lot of things they preferred the cool spring.
I really feel that though many plants are later flowering they are making up for it now.
The tall Alstroemeria in the back Garden are in the wrong place, I  thought they would be much shorter, whilst looking good will have to be moved into the back of the border at the end of the season, even thought of moving now as I have cut them for the house!
The dark red Peony that didn't flower last year has made up for it , and believe it or not I actually staked early so really have  had the full benefit.
Have decided that the Strawberry pot, whilst supposedly the correct thing, is also going to be dumped, the water just flows out of the side holes and the strawberries I put in do not do well,  perhaps someone knows a way to stop this as I can't.

Friday, 5 June 2015

5th June

I really thought summer was here, but after one and a half days back to nothing again.
Thank goodness I went out early whilst it was sunny to weed the front garden, which is now spot on, by noon it had clouded over.
Yesterday was glorious for the Aussie Pairs League (bowling) and we had a great win, what a good game it was, have to make the most of the good weather when we can.
The Apple Trees are setting fruit and it looks like it could be a good crop, we were really delighted with the John Downey Crab Apple It looks like it has finally grown up it really has filled out and is full of buds, as is the Bramley but then it never lets me down.
With all the rain lately the perennials that I split have taken well.
The baskets are all beginning to look good, must admit everything has been so slow I was thinking I had wasted my time, keeping fingers crossed we are now on the right track.
The one failure could be the Mahonia that  we cut back, Think it may have turned up its toes, but needs must, it was rather painful for the window cleaner!!!
I read about the trial of Tomatoes, grow bags- pots and ground. So i tried some in grow bags, but being a doubting Thomas also put some in pots as usual. What a good thing, as the ones in grow bags are not looking good, the ones in pots are great. still its always worth trying these things.

Saturday, 9 May 2015

May 9th

After all the horrible gales last week it is surprising that anything survived.
Fortunately the blossom on the Apple Trees had not opened so all is well there.
I had a couple of days earlier put my Fuschia baskets out to harden, as I hadn't actually hung them they are all okay thank goodness.
The Rhododendron flowers have survived thank goodness. It really is well worth waiting for.
I am well on the way with the planting out of the annuals, seem to have more this year somehow.
I took the Bull by the horns and had the huge Yucca in the front garden removed, it was becoming a danger to passers by, has such fierce spikes at the end of the leaves, it has impaled me for the last time. at the same time had the Maple removed, it was a very sorry thing , just didn't like where it was, it has made a big difference to the front garden, so much less work.
The Pieris,  I guess like everyone else's are simply splendid , I love all the Spring colours.
Am trying the Gardeners World trial with my Tomato plants, in grow bags as apposed to pots, supposedly to give a better yield, but being a none believer have hedged my bets by doing both. So far the pots are well ahead!!!.
The Fuschia and Mop Head Hydrangea cutting's have all taken well, though Lord knows where I will put the Hydrangea when they need planting out.

Sunday, 5 April 2015

Couldn't resist these one, Spring at last.
The scent when I walk onto the Patio is well worth waiting for, so many plants today do not have any, I am trying hard now to grow plants with a decent fragrance, wish me luck.
The Camellia is also the best for years, love the glossy leaves, make such a good background after the flowers have gone.
Having a quiet day as overdid it yesterday, blame all that lovely sunshine.

Sunday, 29 March 2015

29th March

I love Spring when the garden begins to come to life again, so miss the colour in Winter.
I have now almost completed the hoeing and trimming so set now for mulching with the compost.

The Camellia is looking extra well this season, must have got the ericaceous feed correct.

The Hellebore below as ever really good.
next job is protecting the Apple Trees from grubs, did rather well last year

The Rhubarb plants are growing fast, can't wait for the first pies.

Seedlings etc. in the Greenhouse look good, have just started to pot into the baskets etc. the Fuschia.

Decided this year the triple  basket holder - towards the end of the garden will have Begonia, a change from Fuschia, though I may regret this, still must have a change now and then.

Saturday, 7 February 2015

February 7th

Well today is much milder and stroll around the garden revelled the Primroses, Snowdrops and Hellebores are just beginning to flower, so good to see the garden coming into life again.

I have just also watered in the greenhouse, the Fuschia and Geraniums are all well along, will take some cuttings shortly.

Decided to try some other strains of  Fuschia, one or two I have had in the past that for whatever reason didn't continue with, need more pink so thinking of Marcus Graham and Pink Galore, also an old favourite Dark Eyes.

If I only believed the frost was over I would split and transplant some of the perennials, maybe better to leave a while.

Also decided to buy some new Marigold seeds as I have been collecting seed from the same lot for years. I usually say 'if its not broken don't mend' so will do both.

Saturday, 31 January 2015

31st January

Despite this very cold weather, fortunately no snow, the spring bulbs are all well up, I love Snowdrops and the first sign to me means Spring isn't to far away, I hope.
The Hellebore flowers would have opened but for this cold spell. Viv have you got or want some of the seedlings? these are the ones you gave me years ago.
I am amazed to find that a pot of Geraniums that I forgot to take into the greenhouse, in a corner by the garage, are still flowering, okay they are a bit pathetic but who cares, just goes to show they are not as fragile as we are lead to believe.
Have decided that after the poor showing last summer I shall remove the Hostas in the front bed, I have a lot of Geraniums in the greenhouse so will fill that bed with these for a change.

Sunday, 25 January 2015

Sunday 25th Jan 2015

Well at last the frost has gone fortunately we haven't had snow, were able to trim the grass which was rather long, which means wet feet when going to the greenhouse etc.
The tubs of Hyacinths and Tulips are well along now so will be moving to the Patio shortly, at present they are in a sheltered spot by the greenhouse.
The Daffodils are also about 7 inches high, all makes me feel hopeful that Spring is on the way. The small bunch of Snowdrops, the only ones that survive in my garden, are looking good. Never worked out why the others vanish.
I am well along with plans to change the planting of the pots and baskets, decided to introduce a few changes, as good as they have looked last couple of years a change is always good.

Saturday, 3 January 2015

January 3rd.

Well its all over for another year, can now get back to normal, though seeing all the great grand children was great, and as ever Ashton the only boy still has holes in his toes, no other explanation as to where all the food goes, "Gran have you got anything to eat?.
The garden is tidy-ish, never looks great with all the wind etc.
The Arum Lilies that thought December was spring are still in leaf, for how long I wonder.
After the disappointing second season with the Foxgloves Illumination Pink I have decided to move them to the back of the border on the left hand side, listed as perennial wonder if in fact they rest alternate years, we will soon see.
All the spring bulbs that I left in pots are now showing, so will move them into their flowering place on the patio.
The greenhouse plants are all chugging along, I am getting ready now to sow seeds, just browsing seed catalogues to see what takes my fancy.