Oh well winter is now well and truly on its way, someone said we would get bored if it was always summer, who are they kidding, the older I get the less I like winter.
The Garden is now all prepared for winter just the edges to trim.
My neighbours Pampas Grass has survived the winds well and still wafting about, long may they continue.
The hardy Fuschia are still looking great.
This Year the Mahonia is flowering early which is sad I like it best when it flowers in December to cheer me up. It sits outside my kitchen window and is a joy.
I am having second thoughts about the Hosta I put in the front garden, wasn't very pleased with them this last summer, though maybe it was just too hot for them, still thinking of moving them and filling that bed with Geraniums or annuals.
The greenhouse having been bubble wrapped is now lovely and cosy.
I did think of putting a couple of fruit tree / bushes in pots on the patio, but after trying to buy suitable sized ones have changed my mind, just think they wouldn't give enough fruit to be worth the while.
In the front garden I have an Acer Brilliantissimum which doesn't like its position, and to be honest is a bore, I grow sweet Peas up it to add interest. Thinking of having it removed and putting a Damson tree there.